

Idea Vault Opens

Neverwinter Vault has started another feature for the Neverwinter Nights community called the Idea Vault, which is essentially a central place to store ideas for future module and script builders. Included is a rating and review system to separate the…

RPGDot Redesign

RPGDot dropped us an email letting us know that they have completely redesigned their site. Head on over and check out their new look right here.

Todd Howard Interview

An interview with Todd Howard, Project Leader on Bethesda Softworks’ upcoming Morrowind, has been posted up over at GameSpy. Here’s a taste: GameSpy: For the folks who are unfamiliar with the Elder Scrolls universe, can you give a brief history…

Rich Tsao Interview

Looks like I missed an interview posted a couple of days ago over at Dungeon Siege Vault. The interview is with Rich Tsao, Microsoft’s Program Manager for the Zonematch technology used in Dungeon Siege. Here’s one of the questions: What…

Daily Update

First of all, I would like to apologize for posting a bit of misinformation a few days ago. It indeed does *not* work to construct the Flail of Ages +4 with the Electric Flail Head first. I should have confirmed…

A Land Far Away Interview

Neverwinter Vault has conducted an interview Jon Atkison, one of the developers working on a future project called “A Land Far Away” that will bring the entire Forgotten Realms to Neverwinter Nights. In the interview, Jon explains exactly what ALFA…


From the message board: Is the portrait artist on to other tasks or is he cranking them out till the game ships? I did see all the ones in the demo but I still foresee a shortage of portraits even…

Multi-Casting Games

From the message board: just a thought for a future enhancement: If this game really catches on, there may be competitive tournaments – eg. two teams in a module go head to head, the winners move up the ladder. And…

Gargantuan Update

Looks like there was one more item that I had missed on our Cespenar’s Forge section, as well as a high-level ability. Therefore, I’ve posted both of those up, along with some walkthrough locations, some of the new +3 enchantment…

New Baldur’s Gate II Utility

BioWare has released a new system information tool for Baldur’s Gate II players that checks your system configuration, making bug reporting easier. Here are the details from BioWare’s site: SysInfo is a handy application developed at BioWare Corp. for use…