

Another Exclusive DAoC Screenie

Another one of the exclusive screenshots that Mythic sent out this week has surfaced, this time over at CamelotHQ. You’ll find the pic, which illustrates the Firbolg and Lurikeen races from the upcoming Hibernia realm, right here.

Chris Widak Interview

Planet Dungeon Siege has conducted an interview with Chris “FreezeWeasel” Widak from Riot Games, the team working on a Dungeon Siege modification entitled Project Horizons. Chris discusses his team at Riot Games, choosing Dungeon Siege as a platform for development,…

TotL Walkthrough Finished

Today, I’ve finished the Trials of the Luremaster walkthrough, including an addition to our Lonelywood location marking the starting point of the downloadable expansion. Updated Pages: TotL Walkthrough (includes Castle Dungeon 3, 4, and 5, as well as an update…

Gothic Preview

RPGDot has posted a short preview of the English version of Gothic, as well as eighteen screenshots illustrating the statistics screen, inventory descriptions, and more.

Ted Peterson Interview

Morrowind Summit has posted a second interview with Ted Peterson, Lead Game Designer for Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall, discussing many topics involving Bethesda’s upcoming Morrowind. Here’s a taste: Ultimate: You pointed out the beautiful graphics, and the ease of the…

Strategy Update

Here are four more strategies to feast your eyes upon… Updated Pages: Strategy Guides (includes two Kangaxx the Lich strategies, one Mind Flayer strategy, and one Unlimited Hit Points strategy)

Throne of Bhaal Guide

Although it requires a registered login to view, PC.IGN has added a guide for Throne of Bhaal to their massive database of gaming information.

Exclusive Dungeon Siege Eye Candy

Planet Dungeon Siege had posted up a brand new screenshot from Gas Powered Games’ upcoming RPG. Of course, the game continues to look amazing, which you can see for yourself right here.

Gorasul Video Footage

RPGDot has posted up an 18 MB AVI showing off some of the in-game footage of Gorasul: Legacy of the Dragon.

Another PoR Preview

PC.IGN gives us the latest preview of Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor, complete with a few new screenshots. An excerpt to follow: One of the nice little additions to the gameplay with this type of interface is the…