

Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk Interview

There’s a very interesting interview with Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, CEOs of BioWare Corporation, over at the UK’s PC Zone. It essentially sums up what the two think of the success they achieved with Baldur’s Gate and its sequel.…

Lotsa DAoC Screenies

GameZNet’s Camelot Guild has taken 14 new screenshots from the Dark Age of Camelot beta, depicting the two recently opened cities in Hibernia and Midgard, new dynamic lighting, the brush system of Albion, and some others. Along with those pics,…

GameSpy Wraps up Top 50

Here it is… another Top Ten List. Only this time, there were 40 choices to back it up. GameSpy announced their annual Top 10 Games of All Time, be it PC or Vectrex. As Buck said below with a different…

Morrowind Development Update

Lead Designer of Morrowind, Ken Rolston, strikes up an equally informative and intriguing Q & A session with Jonric of RPGVault about the balance and design of Bethesda’s RPG gem-to-be. Here’s a glimpse: Jonric: Many Daggerfall players apparently felt some…

Huge Walkthrough Addition

Once again, thanks to Silviu, I’ve put together a gigantic update to our Baldur’s Gate walkthrough this evening. Enjoy. Updated Pages: BG Walkthrough (includes all nine areas of the city of Baldur’s Gate and the four areas of the Baldur’s…

Top 50 Games of All Time Continued

Today’s “Top 50 Games of All Time” feature at GameSpy covers numbers 20-11, including such notable RPGs as Bard’s Tale, EverQuest, and Deus Ex (if you consider it an RPG). Although I’m in disagreement with a few of the games…

Ubi-Soft To Publish Shadowbane

Earlier today, Wolfpack sent out a press release stating that Ubi-Soft Entertainment (publishers of Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor) will be publishing their upcoming MMORPG, Shadowbane. In conjunction with the press release, Wolfpack also sent out some of…

Neverwinter Gen Con Report

Neverwinter Vault has posted a preliminary report from the gaming convention, Gen Con, about the demo BioWare displayed for Neverwinter Nights. A taste: BioWare held their first demonstration of Neverwinter Nights today at 11:00 AM Central Time. The demo included…

Dungeon Siege Movie

FilePlanet is hosting a brand new 7 MB movie that depicts almost a minute and a half’s worth of in-game footage from Dungeon Siege.

DAoC Development Update and Screenshots

And in more Camelot news, Voodoo Extreme has a news blurb that features a development update from Mythic’s Sanya Thomas, as well as three new screenshots. It’s pretty short, so here’s a direct rip: Dark Age of Camelot is right…