

Dungeon Romping

The Tarnished Dagger has put up a brief first-look at the first in-game dungeon, Stone Barrows. Here is a snippet: This dungeon is pretty spectacular, and I have only visited the entrance areas to it. After entering the dungeon you…

Pool of Radiance @ Gen Con

GameSpot has posted up a small report of Ubi-Soft’s booth at Gen Con, talking about how good the “final build” of Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor looked: We’ve been informed that the game is in fact feature-complete–including the…

Neverwinter Nights @ Gen Con

Neverwinter Vault has continued their coverage of Neverwinter Nights at this year’s Gen Con gaming convention with a full report. Here’s a taste: One fun extra during the Q&A was watching the sorcerer and cleric kill each other repeatedly and…

More Dungeon Siege Video Footage

FilePlanet is hosting yet another file of video footage from Gas Powered Games’ Dungeon Siege. Here’s the description from the site: The tower video nicely wraps up several key pieces of technology that are inherent in the Dungeon Siege engine.…

New Model: The Saris

Artifact released a model for the Saris today. You can check it out Here. Give your opinions of the model in this Thread. And yes for you doubters they DO read the threads and alter the models based on our…

Neverwinter NIghts Site Update

The official Neverwinter Nghts website has been updated by Trent Oster with what has happened in the last three months of development on the game. Here’s an excerpt: Following our excellent showing at E3 we returned to the halls of…

Dark Age of Camelot Preview

Gamer’s Pulse has written up a preview of Mythic Entertainment’s upcoming Dark Age of Camelot. As usual, here’s a snip: A pleasant surprise for me was the diversity of the three realms. Sure, there are quite similar classes, spells, and…

Pool of Radiance AVI and 3rd Edition Explanation

PC IGN has put together an article that gives a good rundown of the rule changes from 2nd Edition to 3rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons, as they pertain to Stormfront Studios’ upcoming Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. And,…

Dungeon Siege @ GenCon

GameSpy has taken a look at the Dungeon Siege presentation at this year’s GenCon gaming convention and posted a report of what they learned. The article reveals some new information, such as the following: One of the things I liked…

Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk Interview

There’s a very interesting interview with Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, CEOs of BioWare Corporation, over at the UK’s PC Zone. It essentially sums up what the two think of the success they achieved with Baldur’s Gate and its sequel.…