

Thirty New DAoC Pics

I just noticed that one of our editors, Reuben, has posted thirty new screenshots from the Dark Age of Camelot beta in our DAoC area. Stop by and check ’em out!

Couple More Strategies

Here’s another soloing strategy and our first strategy for defeating Balthazar… Updated Pages: Strategy Guides (includes a Battling Balthazar strategy and a Soloing an Archer strategy)

Scott Bilas Q&A

Planet Dungeon Siege has posted up a news blurb that features a few questions asked by Tiberius of the Ultima V: Lazarus team to Scott Bilas of Gas Powered Games. The questions are all related to the mechanics in Dungeon…

Chuck’s Bad Hair Day..

Chuck Jacobi, Lead Artist, recently responded to a post concerning game models and bad hair. Here is a snippet: This has been a very frustrating part of character creation I must admit. It is a bit unfair to compare what…

Desslock Talks Interplay

I missed this article on Friday, but fortunately I was made aware of it when browsing RPGPlanet. It’s another report by Desslock over at GameSpot, going into detail on where Interplay currently stands in the gaming industry: its successes (including…

Desslock Talks Interplay

I missed this article on Friday, but fortunately I was made aware of it when browsing RPGPlanet. It’s another report by Desslock over at GameSpot, going into detail on where Interplay currently stands in the gaming industry: its successes (including…

Deck of Many Things

One of our viewers has submitted a list of every card in the Deck of Many Things (as well as their effect when drawn), so I’ve added it under our “Gold, Exp, and Items” category in the strategy guide section.…

New Screenshots Up!

We’ve just posted about 30 new screenshots over in our screenshots section. Be sure to check them out, there’s more on the way!

More NWN @ Gen Con

Another Gen Con update has went up at GameSpot, covering BioWare’s Neverwinter Nights display. Here’s an excerpt: Once they’re done with the single-player campaign, players will have more than enough to do with Neverwinter Nights’ comprehensive dungeon editor, which will…