

Neocron Does The Matrix

You’ll know what I’m talking about when you get a load of the five new screens Neocron Central has posted of Reakktor Media’s MMORPG in a City, Neocron… especially this one.

Neal Hallford Interview

RPGVault has interviewed Neal Hallford, talking about his new book, Swords & Circuitry: A Designer’s Guide to Computer Role-Playing Games, as well as his role in the upcoming Dungeon Siege. Here’s an excerpt: Q: Please describe your most recent role…

David Gaider Interview

Dragon’s Breath Forge has posted a 10-question Q&A with David Gaider of BioWare, talking about Baldur’s Gate II, Neverwinter Nights, and more. Here’s a clip: Q: Are there any plans for adding more types of familiars to future games? Or…

David Gaider Interview

Dragon’s Breath Forge has posted a 10-question Q&A with David Gaider of BioWare, talking about Baldur’s Gate II, Neverwinter Nights, and more. Here’s a clip: Q: Are there any plans for adding more types of familiars to future games? Or…

Shadowbane Updates

Wolfpack has updated the official Shadowbane website with some lore for the Half Giant race. They’ve also updated their multimedia page with a new piece of MP3 music from the game, called the March of the Northmen.

Tweety in IRC

Sanya (Tweety) stopped by Stratics IRC tonight to answer some questions. Here is a preview: Arkon- Epidemic: is there a targeting system for combat? for different sections of the body? Tweety- Epidemic: No, it’s luck where you whack em BardicGoddess-…

HOMM IV Box Art & Preview

Today, the Celestial Heavens website conjured up the first picture of the box art to Heroes of Might & Magic IV… and it looks incredibly good, much better than HOMM III’s in my opinion. Secondly, a preview I missed earlier,…

Steve Snow Interview

Horizons Vault had the chance to interview Steve Snow, producer for Arifact Entertainment’s upcoming MMORPG Horizons. The interview is pretty small, but is a good read nonetheless. A snippet: Q: How is the search for a new Community Manager going,…

NWN Designer Diary

Neverwinter Vault has posted a designer diary with Marc Taro Holmes, Art Director for BioWare’s upcoming Neverwinter Nights. Here’s a taste: Seriously though, in few weeks we’ll be first pass complete on 200 creatures. We are just doing the last…

Strategies and Walkthrough Tweak

Tonight I’ve posted up a couple more strategies, including Setsuna’s Deck of Many Things FAQ and a guide for soloing an Undead Hunter through both SoA and ToB. Along with that, I’ve added a location to our Amkethran walkthrough. Updated…