

David Gaider Interview

The Dragon’s Breath Forge has once again put together a 10-question interview with BioWare’s David Gaider, discussing more issues from Baldur’s Gate II and the upcoming Neverwinter Nights. A snippet to follow: Q: What was your favorite part of the…

Sanya Thomas Interview Continued

Voodoo Extreme has continued their interview with Sanya Thomas of Mythic Entertainment about their upcoming MMORPG Dark Age of Camelot. As before, here’s one of the questions: VooDoo Extreme — The quest system in DAOC sounds very ambitious. Tell us…

Vampire: TM-R Preview

Although the game has been out for over a year on the PC, Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption will soon be hitting the Macintosh. In anticipation of the release, Inside Mac Games has posted a well-written preview of the game,…

DOT Spells

Today, Sanya posted on the Camelot Vault boards in responce to DOT spells. Heres her responce: Okay, went back and talked to Spell Man. As others in this thread have said: DOTs from the same line don’t stack. DOTs from…

Neal Hallford Interview Part III

RPGVault has posted up part 3 of their ongoing interview with Neal Hallford, creator of the storyline for the upcoming Dungeon Siege and author of the new book Swords & Circuitry: A Designer’s Guide to Computer Role-Playing Games. Here’s a…

Sanya Thomas Interview

Voodoo Extreme was able to ask several questions of Sanya Thomas, Mythic Entertainment’s public relations person for the upcoming Dark Age of Camelot. Here’s one of ’em: VooDoo Extreme — What makes DAOC better / different than other mmorpg’s? There’s…

3D Modeling Lesson Part II

Neverwinter Haven has posted up their second lesson for creating 3D models to import into the upcoming Neverwinter Nights.

NWN Mod Preparation

Blaster from Neverwinter Haven let us know that their Neverwinter Nights mod creation page is growing, with a recent addition, A Land Far Away. These mods will be persistent and semi-persistent campaigns complete with permanent servers, etc. Hopefully a site…

David Bowman’s Status Report

David Bowman finally made it to the official AE boards to post. He managed to answer a few questions while sidestepping a few more. You can view his post here. Below is a snippet: I’d like to make a statement…

Wizardry 8 Interview & Progress Report

Very high on my list for RPG’s yet to come out (only the flexibility of NWN might put that higher), Wizardry 8, is finally back in the news with some very current information from Linda Currie of the dev. team…