

AO Screenshots

If you’re still playing EQ, AC or UO and have heard of the infamous beginning of Anarchy Online’s MMORPG life, then you are probably glad you stuck with your current addiction. However, as in the case of the grandfathers of…

Pool of Radiance Preview

A brand new preview of Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor has been posted up over at GamesZone. The entire article is written in German, so if you’re uni-lingual like me, you won’t get much from it without using…

Dungeon Siege Preview

PC Zone has the latest preview of Dungeon Siege, providing a pretty good overview of how the game compares to other RPGs. Here’s a taste: Thus, if you use melee weapons a lot, your character will level up as a…

Morrowind Developer Q&A

RPGVault has posted their latest Morrowind Developer Q&A, discussing with Bethesda’s Todd Howard about how the various weapons and armor available in the game will be integrated: Jonric: Please describe how the armor system works. What are the different body…

Xbox Humungous Movie Preview

Not completely RPG related, but most of you (like myself) are waiting for November to make a decision on which console is going to complement our gaming PC rig… this little preview might make a strong point for the Xbox.…

Neverwinter Nights To Make 2001?

Although there have been rumors that Neverwinter Nights would slip into 2002, I read over on RPGDot that Derek French, associate producer for Neverwinter Nights, stopped in at the official NWN message boards to provide some insight on the game’s…

Todd Howard Interview

The Armchair Empire has conducted an interview with Todd Howard, lead designer of Bethesda’s upcoming RPG, Morrowind. Here’s one of the questions: Morrowind seems to be so open-ended, with such a large area to explore, NPCs to interact with, beasts…

Wizardry 8 Out Soon? Maybe…

Two bits here. First, there’s some awesome news over at the VN boards for Sir-tech Canada’s Wizardry 8. Linda Currie posted first that

Chris Foster Interview

IGN PC has interviewed Chris Foster, the Creative Director for Microsoft’s upcoming expansion to Asheron’s Call, Dark Majesty. Here’s an excerpt: IGNPC: The game looks great. How much has the engine changed since the first game shipped? Are there any…