

Darren Monahan Interview

Computer Games Online has posted an interview with Darren Monahan, producer of the upcoming RPG for Playstation 2, Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance. For those of you who didn’t know, Darren also produced Icewind Dale, so it’s a good read for…

World of Warcraft New Shots

‘Puter Gaming World has unleashed a new conglobation of screenshots of the MMORPG a ways away, World o’ Warcraft, that show off the usual praise-worthy attention to detail Blizzard games receive. Expect the interface to shape up very nicely as…

Yet *another* preview of World of Warcraft

Inside Mac Games has posted a 3 page preview of Blizzards newly annouced MMORPG, World of Warcraft. The preview boasts a couple new screenshots and is worth the read. Here’s a snippet: The item system will likely not follow the…

Divine Divinity Preview

A fairly lengthy preview of Divine Divinity is up over at RPGDot today. Here’s a snippet: Items can be combined also. You can throw some poison over a sword to make it do some poisonous damage. You can also make…

BG2:ToB European patch

BioWare has released a European version of their latest Throne of Bhaal patch. You can find the patch here.

Horses in EQ?

GameSpy Daily snagged some exclusive screenshots of the new horses to be added to EverQuest in the new expansion Shadows of Luclin. You can find the screenshots here.

PoR Developer Profile

The Scrying Room has posted up another developer profile, this time with Mark Buchignani, lead designer of the soon-to-be-released Pool of Radiance: RoMD: Us: What do you consider to be the best things about PoR2? Mark Buchignani: Because I sit…

Pool of Radiance goes Gold

SSI and Ubi Soft just announced that Pool of Radiance has gone gold! Here’s a rip from Gone Gold: POOL OF RADIANCE*: RUINS OF MYTH DRANNOR GOES GOLDSSI’s Role-playing Legend Available in Stores by October 1 San Francisco, CA –…

New WoW Wallpaper released

Blizzard has released a new Wallpaper. Here’s the picture of it: (Click to see larger image) You can find the Wallpaper from the WoW main page.