

Combat Styles

I’ve posted up three different combat styles that are available to certain character classes in the game, including Shield, Slashing, and Thrusting. Updated Pages: Combat Styles (includes Shield, Slashing, and Thrusting styles)

Another Camelot Preview

The Entertainment Depot has the latest preview of Dark Age of Camelot, and, as usual, it’s pretty positive. A snippet to follow: The most exciting aspect would have to be the realm warfare as there really hasn’t been anything on…

HOMM4 Website Debut

3D0 has opened up the official website for their fourth game in the Heroes of Might and Magic series. The site contains an intro, gallery, storyline, downloads, and more.

All Spells Posted

After a ridiculous amount of typing, I’ve finally posted up every spell that is available to characters in PoR. Since some of the spells deviate a little from the 3E Player’s Handbook, I’ve typed out the full spell descriptions straight…

GameBanshee Feature: All PoR Spells

After a ridiculous amount of typing, I’ve finally posted up every spell that is available to characters in Ubi-Soft’s upcoming Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. Since some of the spells deviate a little from the 3E Player’s Handbook,…

Matthew Burroughs Interview

Although Artifact has decided to keep quiet about their upcoming MMORPG, Horizons Vault was able to get an interview with Matthew Burroughs, the game’s brand new Commmunity Director. Here’s a taste: The MMORPG market is going to have a lot…

Equipment Listings

In addition to the searchable databases that I’m putting together, I’ve also posted up pages dedicated to simply listing each realm’s magical items, sorted by type. To start it off, I’ve posted up four pieces of equipment from Albion. To…

Armor Database Updated

I’ve updated our armor database to include three more sets of armor from Hibernia, which brings us to around 900 total nonmagical items. Updated Pages: Armor Database (includes Woven, Brea, and Cruaigh armors)

Morrowind Screen Nips & Art of Magic Demo

Pete Hines of Bethsoft dropped us a line to let us know they’ve updated the Official homepage for their RPG goliath Morrowind with some new creature wallpaper and screen shots of the Xbox version (which should look nearly identical with…