

Word from inside the Pack

ShadowBane Warcry put up an article writen by Vosx about the battles of good and evil, or lack there of, in the upcoming MMORPG Shadowbane. Here’s a sample of the article: In every other game to date, playing the Pk…

Xbox Delay, Score one for the Cube

What’s it all mean Basil? Well it means that according to this BBC report, the Xbox will be delayed exactly one week until November 15th, putting it into direct competition with Nintendo’s Gamecube. Also, here’s another report from the LATimes…

Desslock Update

Desslock has once again posted an RPG update on GameSpot, this time talking about the recent lawsuit between BioWare and Interplay, the upcoming Pool of Radiance, the status of Wizardry 8, and more. Here’s a taste: A lot of you…

Armor Database Updated

I’ve added quite a few more pieces of armor to our searchable database, with the total now approaching a thousand pieces. This update includes many Mithril and Embossed items purchased from merchants in Camelot and elsewhere. Additionally, Applebrown and I…

DAoC Beta Screenies

Fourteen more screenshots from the Dark Age of Camelot beta have surfaced over on WorthPlaying.com.

Updated PoR Impressions @ GameSpot

And in more Pool of Radiance news, GameSpot has updated their impressions of the soon-to-be-released game, based upon the final build they’ve received. The article isn’t very lengthy and by looking at the screenshots, it appears they haven’t actually played…

Pool of Radiance Article on WoTC

Chuck Yager, Associate Producer of the upcoming Pool of Radiance: RoMD, has written yet another article on the Wizards of the Coast website, this time talking about some of his experiences over the last couple of years while developing the…

BioWare Files Lawsuit

As Dastal reported below, BioWare has indeed filed a lawsuit against Interplay. You can find the official press release over at Blue’s News. Here’s a full rip: A lawsuit has been filed against Interplay Entertainment Corp., British distributor Virgin Interactive…

BioWare Sues Interplay

That’s right folks, BioWare, the creators of the Baldur’s Gate series, just sued Interplay, their publisher. While I haven’t yet been able to find the press release, according to Planet Baldur’s Gate, BioWare and Parallax, the creators of the Descent…