

Stormfront Studios Chat Log

Unfortunately, I did not make the Pool of Radiance chat this evening with Stormfront Studios on GameSpy Arcade, but the Scrying Room has an edited chat log if you’d like to read up on what was said.

Late Night Update

And so Buck continues to add equipment to our ever-growing listings… Updated Pages: Boots (includes Boots of the Tortoise and Farliand’s Fabulous Footwear), Leather Armor (includes Armor of Shadows and Studded Leather +2), Longbows (includes Drow Longbow +4, Longbow +3,…

Equipment/Quest Update

Here’s another small update submitted by Inix… Updated Pages: Albion Cloaks (includes an update to Gyrg’s Cloak), Albion Swords (includes Bloody Short Sword), Albion Quests [Camelot] (includes Bedelia’s Grief quest), Albion Quests [Camelot Hills] (includes Gyrg’s Cloak quest)

Jake McMahon Interview

The guys over at Planet Dungeon Siege were able to ask several questions of Jake McMahon, Vice President of Gas Powered Games, earlier today. Here’s one of them: PlanetDungeonSiege: When you’ve had the chance to sit down and play Dungeon…

Chuck Yager Interview

MGON has conducted an interview with Chuck Yager, Associate Producer of Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. Here’s a snippet: Q: What features do you think will attract people to Pool of Radiance? A: Three in particular.the fact that…

Lots More Equipment

Well, unfortunately, Pool of Radiance has been pushed back until tomorrow, but at least you get to check out all this nifty equipment while you’re waiting… Updated Pages: Amulets (includes Amulet of Protection +2, Amulet of Rolling Smoke, Amulet of…

Equipment Update

Here’s some more equipment before I call it a night… Updated Pages: Axes (includes Hand Axe +3), Books (includes Drow Spinnan Trisagion and Ranman’s Meditations), Boots (includes Bernard’s Unforgivable Boots), Greatswords (includes Greatsword +4), Leather Armor (includes Leather Armor +2),…

Pool of Radiance Begins

As most of you know, Pool of Radiance should hit store shelves tomorrow. Over the past month, I have had the pleasure to partake of a preview version of the game, and have been diligently working to put together a…

BioWare’s Joint CEOs Win Entrepreneur of the Year Award

BioWare has updated their official website with the news that Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, BioWare’s Joint CEOs, accepted the Ernst & Young ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ award in Calgary, Alberta yesterday. You can find the official press release right…