

Fall of Light Revealed, Gamescom Trailer

One of our eagle-eyed readers pointed out that 1C Company and RuneHeads are teaming up on exploration-focused and Dark Souls-inspired RPG entitled Fall of Light, which is tentatively scheduled for a Q3 2017 release. The game will be shown at…

Middle-earth: Shadow of War to Feature Microtransactions

In a post on the official forums, Monolith’s Steven “Jared” Rabago has revealed the team’s plans to introduce an in-game store to their upcoming action RPG sequel, Middle-earth: Shadow of War. In short, this means that the game will feature…

Richard Garriott Interview

GamesBeat had the opportunity to have a lengthy chat with Richard “Lord British” Garriott at this year’s Gamelab event, and they’re now offering up a transcript of that interview for those of us who prefer to read words rather than…

Iron Tower Studio Interview

There’s an interview with Iron Tower Studio’s Vince D. Weller (and composer Ryan Eston Paul) up on CSH Picone this evening, which covers various topics related to the indie developer’s primary focuses, the amount of work that went into building…

BioShock Remastered Headed to macOS

Although mediocre reviews over its stability are prevalent on PC, Feral Interactive fired over a press release today announcing plans to bring BioShock Remastered to Apple’s macOS (formerly OS X) operating system. Hopefully it’s more stable there, as higher resolution…

BioWare Montreal to Merge with Motive Studios?

We already knew of EA’s decision to “scale down” BioWare Montreal, but TechRaptor has conjured up some additional information suggesting that EA also has plans to merge the studio with Motive Studios, a team that is currently working on an…

Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire Announced

Following a two-year wait since the release of Heart of Thorns, MMORPG developer ArenaNet has announced plans to expand Guild Wars 2 once again with a new add-on entitled Path of Fire. The expansion pack will launch on September 22nd…