

The Elder Scrolls Online Update 16: Clockwork City Released

The sixteenth major update to Zenimax Online and Bethesda Softworks’ The Elder Scrolls Online is now available for consumption, bringing with it a host of fixes and improvements for the MMORPG, as well as a content DLC entitled “Clockwork City”…

Dungeons & Dragons Online: Mists of Ravenloft Interviews

If Dungeons & Dragons Online: Mists of Ravenloft is on your radar for December, you should know that a couple of new interviews about the MMORPG expansion have materialized on the web. First up is a video interview with voice…

ELEX Released, Launch Trailer

Piranha Bytes continues to contribute to the CRPG genre with the release of ELEX, their ambitious sci-fi title that’ll have us joining one of three different factions to “shape the fate of the planet of Magalan in all its beauty…