

Sword Coast Legends Previews

Another pair of Sword Coast Legends impression pieces recently hit the web, both of which still appear to be based on the ambitious multiplayer RPG’s showing at last month’s E3 event. Rock, Paper, Shotgun kicks things off with some developer…

Gwent: TCGs and RPGs, a Love Story

Having labeled the Gwent card game within The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt as “a love story” between TCGs and RPGs, you probably already guessed that this editorial on Syfy Games has nothing but positive things to say about the game-within-a-game.…

Fable Legends Video Interview

Gamereactor has finally gotten around to wrangling up a nearly eight-minute video interview with Lionhead’s David Eckelberry that they conducted at this year’s E3, during which they quiz the studio lead about the game’s storyline, the motivations behind behind a…

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt v1.07 Patch Released

Between a tweet from community manager Marcin Momot and a post on the CD Projekt RED forums, we know that the team’s ambitious v1.07 patch for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is now available across all platforms, including for PC…

Dragon Age “Narrative and Storytelling” Video Interview

In a new sixteen-minute video interview on Gamereactor, BioWare’s David Gaider talks about the feedback they’ve received from fans since the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition, how they plan to expand the storytelling in the next game (and leveraging a…

Fallout 4 Website Expanded

Bethesda Softworks has announced the launch of their “newly-expanded” Fallout 4 website, which features the expected bevy of artwork, screenshots, and videos that you would expect from such a place. It also contains subsites for every major release in the Fallout…

Sorcerer King Released, Launch Trailer

Right on cue, the team at Stardock Entertainment released Sorcerer King today, ushering in a new fantasy-based strategy/RPG title to consume our evenings and afflict us with the “one-more-turn” syndrome. As is usual with such releases, there is a launch…

The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial City DLC Announced

ZeniMax Online has revealed plans to release their first set of downloadable content for The Elder Scrolls Online, starting with the PC/Mac on August 31st, then moving on to the Xbox One on September 15th and the PlayStation 4 on…

Richard Bartle Video Interview, Part Three

In this third installment to Matt Barton’s video interview with Richard Bartle, the two talk about the MMORPG scene as a whole, the concerns around implementing permadeath, the arguments for and against fun vs. realism, why text-based online games have…