

Deus Ex Franchise Documentary Video Series, Part Three

We have the third installment to Square Enix and Eidos Montreal’s documentary video series for the Deus Ex franchise to take in this evening, with this latest entry focusing on the blood, sweat, and tears that went into “reinventing the…

John Smedley Steps Down from Daybreak Game Company

In a post to Facebook, Verant Interactive co-founder, EverQuest co-creator, and former president of Sony Online Entertainment John Smedley has announced plans to step down from his current role as the CEO and president of Daybreak Game Company. From his…

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Editorials

I suspect that people will be entrenched in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt for a very long time, and as a result, we’ll have the opportunity to tag along with them through the power of editorials. As it so happens,…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Update 27 Video Preview

The release of Update 27: Trials of the Archons for Dungeons & Dragons Online is nearly upon us, and to drum up some extra excitement, the team at Turbine hosted a livestream of the new content earlier today. In it,…

Wave of Darkness July Updates, v1.11 Patch Now Available

The 29th, 30th, and 31st updates to the Wave of Darkness Kickstarter campaign keep us up to speed on the various patches that are being released for Dreamatrix’s RPG, with the v1.11 patch being the latest download available for the…

Mooncrest Q&A

Following the announcement last week that they’re hard at work on a new fantasy RPG entitled Mooncrest, the ex-BioWare developers at Knightmayor have updated the official website with a relatively quick Q&A with artists Simon Kopp and Maximilian Degen that…

Underworld Ascendant Shadow Beast Interview

Remember the transparent, pixelated, and yet terrifying Shadow Beast from the original Ultima Underworld? Well, regardless of whether you do or don’t, there’s an interview with said fantastical creature on the official Underworld Ascendant website conducted by producer Chris Siegel…