

Seven Dragon Saga Development Updates

Two development updates have reached Tactical Simulations Interactive’s Seven Dragon Saga website since the last time we checked, including a summary of the Dark Servant design and a closer look at Port Aphelon. Some quoting from the most recent piece:…

The Dwarves Updates #1-2, $138,855 and Counting

In the first two update installments to hit The Dwarves Kickstarter campaign (here and here), the team at King Art Games reflects on the sizeable amount of funding raised so far, shares the stretch goals that we’ll be able to…

BattleTech/MechWarrior Interview

There’s an interview with Jordan Weisman up on PC Gamer this weekend, where the Harebrained Schemes founder and Shadowrun/BattleTech creator answers questions about the pros and cons of being an independent developer, what we should expect from their forthcoming BattleTech…

CD Projekt RED’s Masterplan

I was hoping that an interview with a title like “CD Projekt RED’s Masterplan” as this one has at GamesTM has would delve into The Witcher series as a whole and take us into Cyberpunk 2077 territory, but unfortunately it’s not…

The Age of Decadence Hands-on Preview

The team over at Canadian Online Gamers has cranked out an enthusiastic hands-on preview of The Age of Decadence, calling the long-in-development role-playing game “quite possibly the next big RPG for PC”. Here’s a bit of what they had to…

What if Fallout 4 Were an Old-School Isometric RPG?

That’s the question posed by Eurogamer after they got their hands on a pair of screenshot mockups done by STASIS creator Chris Bischoff to showcase how Fallout 4 might look if Bethesda chose to go with an isometric viewpoint for…

Josh Sawyer on The White March, Fallout: New Vegas, and More

Obsidian Entertainment’s Josh Sawyer sat down with PC Gamer at PAX Prime for a nearly seven-minute video interview about Pillars of Eternity’s two-part The White March expansion pack, development ideas that never made it into Fallout: New Vegas, similarities between Alpha Protocol…