

Sword Coast Legends Reviews

A number of websites are offering up final or near-final reviews of n-Space’s Sword Coast Legends this evening in preparation for tomorrow’s launch, which conveniently places them front and center for a last-minute purchasing decision of the multiplayer-focused RPG. VentureBeat…

Hard West Release Date Announced

Gambitious Digital Entertainment and CreativeForge Games have been working on a western-meets-supernatural strategy/RPG crossbreed for some time now, and they let us know today that the eyebrow-raising and previously crowd-funded title is set to debut on Steam, GOG.com, and Humble…

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone Reviews

Now that CD Projekt RED’s Hearts of Stone expansion pack for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has had more than a full week to make an impression and settle into gamers’ minds, a variety of additional websites are offering up…

BattleTech Updates #9-10, $1,832,150 and Counting

As Harebrained Schemes’ BattleTech RPG continues to move in a forward direction with its Kickstarter campaign, the team has cranked out both a ninth and a tenth update to keep us informed about their progress, introduce us to more of…

Aderyn’s Cradle IndieGoGo Campaign Launched

We’ve been hearing about the ambitious first-person RPG entitled Aderyn’s Cradle (or Cradle for short) for well over a year now, and despite its unsuccessful Kickstarter campaign, the team at Mojo Game Studios has launched an IndieGoGo campaign seeking a…

Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch Released on PC

Following its debut on Apple’s iOS platform earlier this year (where it carried a “Tyranid Invasion” subtitle), Games Workshop and Rodeo Games have released the squad- and turn-based strategy/RPG as an Enhanced Edition on PC. The game is available on…

King Arthur Collection Released on GOG

Neocore Games’ King Arthur: The Role-playing Wargame and its various add-ons are now available on GOG.com in a single bundle called the King Arthur Collection, and since it has debuted at a paltry $7.99, there’s more than enough reason to…

Fallout Shelter v1.2 Update Released

Bethesda Softworks has released a new version 1.2 update for their strategy-focused, RPG-lite, mobile-oriented title Fallout Shelter, and they’ve cranked out the patch notes in a way that makes reading them fun for the whole vault-dwelling family. The update is…

Dungeons II: A Game of Winter Released

That was fast. Hot on the heels of last week’s announcement that a new Dungeons II expansion pack entitled A Game of Winter was headed our way comes, well, news of the add-on’s release. Are you ready for some more…