

Mordheim: City of the Damned Campaign Trailer

In order to give us a better idea of what to expect from the four independent campaigns in Mordheim: City of the Damned, the teams at Focus Home and Rogue Factor have cranked out a new “campaign” video that features…

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Interview

VG247 recently chatted up Eidos Montreal narrative lead Mary DeMarle about the choices, consequences, and endings that were present in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and how they learned from that design experience to pack an even bigger punch for each…

Invisible, Inc: Contingency Plan Released

Klei Entertainment has launched Contingency Plan, their first major expansion for the squad-based, stealth-heavy strategy/RPG Invisible, Inc. The add-on weighs in at only $4.99 from both GOG and Steam, but it’s offered at a 10% discount for the first week,…

Hellgate Global Shutting Down at the End of 2015

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed Hellgate through all of its incarnations – including Flagship’s original Hellgate: London, T3Fun’s resurrected Hellgate Global, and even the odd Hellgate: Tokyo expansion – but it seems that all good things eventually come to an end, and that…

Fallout 4 Reviews

Bethesda’s latest entry in the Fallout series continues to consume everyone’s time while also eating up the lion’s share of the Internet’s attention, as indicated by another healthy helping of relatively favorable reviews. Giant Bomb gives it a 4/5: But…

Fallout 4 Released

While I suspect a vast majority of you are already exploring the post-apocalyptic wasteland, it’s worth mentioning for those of you who aren’t or that have exited the game only to take care of basic human needs that Fallout 4…

20 Years of Fallout

On the eve of Fallout 4’s launch, Gamasutra is offering up a two-page “20 Years of Fallout: Lessons Learned Shipping Games in the Wasteland” feature that provides a quick history lesson regarding the Fallout franchise while also sporting recent and…

Grim Dawn Grim Misadventures #84

It’s time to check yourself into the 84th “Grim Misadventures” feature for Grim Dawn – a feature that will ensure that you’re much more knowledgeable about the action RPG’s upcoming Build 28 release than you were before. Here are some…