

Underrail Video Review

In Matt Chat episode #321, we’re treated to a roughly 45-minute review of StygSoft’s Underrail, the recently released turn-based RPG with an isometric perspective and a strong influence from the original two Fallout titles.  As Matt says, “so without further…

BattleTech Post-funding Updates #20-21

While update #21 to the BattleTech Kickstarter campaign only alerts us to the fact that BackerKit invitations were sent out and describes their importance, update #22 provides an end-of-year development summary on the futuristic RPG.  A hefty sampling from the…

Grim Dawn Build 29 Released, Now Content Complete

Crate Entertainment has achieved a major milestone today, in that their long-in-development action RPG Grim Dawn is officially “content complete” with the release of Build 29. Of course, there will still be quite a bit of polishing, balance tweaks, and…

The Quest Released on PC

We’ve been tracking Hungarian developer Redshift’s mobile role-playing game The Quest since 2006, but over 9 years since its original debut, the first-person RPG with clear inspirations from The Elder Scrolls has been released on Steam for $14.99 along with…

Grim Dawn Grim Misadventures #87

Despite the fact that the holiday season is upon us, Crate Entertainment is still promising to deliver us Build 29 of Grim Dawn before the end of the year, and Grim Misadventures #87 provides us with a preview of what’s…

Zombasite Monster Updates

Soldak Entertainment’s Steven Peeler let us know that they’ve updated the monster profiles on the official Zombasite website to include some additional beasties, including the Creeping Brood and Zombie Creeping Brood. A little something about the former: These passive, invisible…

The Surge Interview

Gamereactor recently chatted up Deck13’s Jan Klose about The Surge, their upcoming action RPG set in a science ficion-based dystopian future that’ll mimic some of the same design tenets as Lords of the Fallen, despite a new publisher and a…

System Shock 2 Still Stands as Irrational’s Finest Work

While Irrational Games has since brought us the excellent Freedom Force series and the impressive BioShock series, the editors at Eurogamer have made the argument that 1999’s System Shock 2 is still their finest achievement. Here are some reasons why:…