

Horizon: Zero Dawn Interview

The team at Guerrilla Games recently chatted with IGN LATAM about their forthcoming open world RPG Horizon: Zero Dawn, the result of which is this interview that I’ve ran through Google Translate to quote in English. One question and its…

Hellgate Global Officially Goes Offline

I’m not sure if anything will ever become of Hellgate’s successful reception on Steam Greenlight, but the current online iteration of the game for those of us in the Western world, Hellgate Global, has gone offline as announced and planned…

On The Witcher 3, Race, and Fantasy Homages

This year’s final editorial for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a piece entitled “On The Witcher 3, Race, and Fantasy Homages” on USGamer that takes a closer look at what the author feels is a perceived lack of minority…

The Bard’s Tale Remastered Tangramayne Screenshot

Those of us who fondly recall the starting city of Tangramayne in The Bard’s Tale II: The Destiny Knight will appreciate the new tweet by Rebecca Heineman that shares a screenshot of walking the city’s streets in The Bard’s Tale Remastered…

10 RPGs and Kickstarter Games to Look Forward to in 2016

Rather than reflecting back on the games we played during 2015, both Gaming Respawn and Red Bull are looking toward the future and profiling some of the titles we’ll be playing in 2016. Gaming Respawn’s article focuses specifically on ten…

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Understands War

After calling The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt the best game of 2015 and one of the best games the author has ever played in his life, this editorial on War is Boring analyzes how CD Projekt RED managed to build…

Fallout 3 (Van Buren) Tech Demo Analysis

Every once in a while, someone stumbles across the fact that a tech demo of Black Isle Studios’ version of Fallout 3 (codenamed Van Buren) really does exist, and when they do and ultimately choose to write about it, we…