

Dungeons & Dragons Marketplace Dungeon Masters Guild Launched

Wizards of the Coast launched the Dungeon Masters Guild today, a user-friendly marketplace that allows those of you with an extra pinch of creativity to self-publish Dungeons & Dragons materials that other people can then choose to purchase, which inevitably leads…

Beneath Apple Manor Review

Searching for all things role-playing on the Internet can reveal some wondrous things, including this recent retrospective review on CRPG Adventures for Don Worth’s Beneath Apple Manor, the venerable RPG/roguelike that originally launched on the Apple II way back in 1978…

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt v1.12 Patch Released

CD Projekt RED has announced the release of a version 1.12 patch for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt across all platforms, which introduces “over 70 changes to gameplay, quests, DLCs and Hearts of Stone.” There’s a full changelog here, which…

Mass Effect: Andromeda: Redefining Story-Telling

Whether or not you agree with GamingBolt’s take that BioWare’s Mass Effect: Andromeda needs to deviate significantly from the gather-companions-then-save-the-world storyline that persists in many of their previous RPGs, it’s worth reading through their latest editorial to at least begin…

Ancient Domains of Mystery Review

I’ve been keeping an eye open for a solid review of Ancient Domains of Mystery since the latest version of the long-running roguelike was released on Steam back in November, but there really haven’t been any official critiques – or…

Demons Age “Background Story” Video

Bigmoon Entertainment has been relatively quiet about their forthcoming fantasy turn-based RPG Demons Age since they announced it back in July, but this week they cranked out a new “Background Story” video that gives us some insight into the game’s…

The Making and Playing of Dungeon Master

When you’re finished reading through their earlier retrospective on The Faery Tale Adventure, you may want to point your browser back to The Digital Antiquarian for a two-piece feature (specifically, “Making Of” and “Playing Of” articles) regarding FTL Games’ Dungeon…