

The Elder Scrolls Online The Thieves Guild DLC Interview

Following this week’s announcement of The Thieves Guild, the next DLC for The Elder Scrolls Online, the folks at MMORPG.com cornered creative director Rich Lambert for a quick Q&A about what we should expect from the add-on and what it will bring…

Tom Clancy’s The Division Previews and Interviews

Ubisoft has clearly ramped up its marketing efforts for Tom Clancy’s The Division in recent weeks, and these efforts combined with a recent press event have led to the availability of several new previews and interviews for the shooter/RPG from…

Should Bethesda Invest in a New Game Engine?

With a critical eye on the performance of the Gamebryo engine that powers both The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Fallout 3, as well as the newer Creation Engine that powers The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4, the…

The 50 Most Important PC Games of All Time

Starting in 1962 and running the gamut all the way to present day, the editors at PC Gamer have cranked out a list of what they feel are “the 50 most important PC games” to ever grace the platform. The…

Vampyr Preview and Developer Commentary

There’s a developer commentary-laden preview for Vampyr up on PCGamesN, where Dontnod’s Stéphane Beauverger and Gregory Szucs have contributed a few interesting nuggets of feedback about the forthcoming horror-themed action RPG. A snippet, as usual: The studio have poured time…