

Opening the Gold Box, Part 3: From Tabletop to Desktop

The Digital Antiquarian has turned their earlier articles on “Joel Bilings and SSI” and “Ten Odd Years at TSR” into a series called “Opening the Gold Box”, after which they’ve wrangled up a third installment entitled “From Tabletop to Desktop”…

David Brevik on the Making of Diablo

Gamasutra has penned an excellent write-up of David Brevik’s presentation at this week’s Game Developers Conference, in which he talks through the early days of Condor, their relationship with Silicon & Synapse (which would become Blizzard Entertainment), how they eventually…

Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf Released on Xbox One

Having enjoyed success on both mobile and PC since 2013, 505 Games has teamed up with Forge Reply to bring their interactive adventure/RPG Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf to the Xbox One. This one is based on the popular series of…

Conan Exiles Tabletop RPG Sourcebook Announced

As we had anticipated earlier, there will be a collaboration between Funcom’s open-world survival title Conan Exiles and Modiphius’ upcoming Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of tabletop RPG, which once again increases the possibility that the video game may be more of a…

Tom Clancy’s The Division Continues to Break Sales Records

Ubisoft cranked out another press release today heralding the fact that their newly launched shooter/RPG Tom Clancy’s The Division has cinched another record, this time due to the fact that it’s grossed more than $330 million in its first week,…

Fallout 4: Automatron DLC Teaser Trailer

A robot with a teddy bear face, a selection of new weaponry, and a close-up of the mechanist himself are some of the scenes you’ll encounter in this new 77-second teaser trailer for Bethesda Softwork’s soon-to-be-released (March 22nd) Automatron DLC…

Fable II Video Retrospective

With the disappointing news that Microsoft has chosen to cancel development of Fable Legends and likely shutter Lionhead Studios, Eurogamer has taken a moment to reflect upon their “favorite” game of the studio’s many releases by cranking out a five-and-a-half-minute…