Brother None

Brother None

Baldur’s Gate II Now Available on Good Old Games

Baldur’s Gate II plus its Throne of Bhaal expansion pack are now available as a Baldur’s Gate II Complete bundle pack on Good Old Games. Just another “best RPG of all time” candidate added to the portfolio: * Includes Baldur’s Gate II:…

Star Wars: The Old Republic Interview

Massively recently had the chance to head over to the LucasArts HQ in San Francisco, where they checked out the latest build of The Old Republic and interviewed lead writer Daniel Erickson and lead PvP designer Gabe Amatangelo about crafting and…

Favorite Fallout: New Vegas Memories

Seems a bit short-term to be speaking of memories, but IGN appears to be on a roll of New Vegas based articles. Spoiler warnings apply. “BEST FRIEND TABITHA,” a crazed voice exclaimed before going on a rampage about how pathetic humans…

Din’s Curse v1.010 Patch Released

Soldak has released the official version of patch 1.010, so if you don’t usually pick up their beta releases you can now pick up this version from the official site. Patch notes: 1.010 —– ‘¢ changed protocol number ‘¢ fixed an…

Dragon Age II Gameplay Videos

Another pair of gameplay trailers are available on GameTrailers, from Lucca Comics & Games 2010. It seems to be the same demo area as the earlier shouldercam video, providing fourteen minutes of combat and dialog in two videos: part 1 and…

Jagged Alliance 2: Reloaded Detailed

We were certainly interested when we heard about the Jagged Alliance remake. Now, with more details emerging, it’s become clear it’s a significantly more mainstream take, with all outdoor enemies visible and a RTwP combat system. Dear Community, Many thanks for…