Brother None

Brother None

BioShock Impulse Sale

I’m not sure you can’t find it for around this price in bargain bins by now anyway, but Impulse’s daily sale is 2K Games’ FPS-RPG BioShock at 75% off, for 4.99 USD (North America only).

RPGWatch Game of the Year 2010

RPGWatch has tallied its users votes and made its editorial picks: Fallout: New Vegas wins both, followed in editors’ choice by Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga and Dragon Age: Awakening, and in user choice by Mass Effect 2 and…

Impulse Sales

A few interesting titles on the Weekend Impulse Buys this week, with X-Com Complete (North America only) and Star Trek Online at 50% off.

Good Old Games TopWare Sale

Good Old Games’ sale for this weekend features titles from their TopWare catalog, including Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire, Two Worlds, and Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator. Once again, you can nab them for 50% off if you purchase the whole…

Guild Wars 2’s Guardian Profession Detailed

The Guardian profession for Guild Wars 2 was revealed a few days ago, but now the official website has been updated with further details and media for the Monk-replacing profession. The guardian is a devoted fighter who calls upon powerful…

RPGCodex’s 2010 Year in Review

RPGCodex does their traditional year in review, from European dragon-related RPGs, to indies, to mainstream fail (Alpha Protocol), to Fallout: New Vegas. Alpha LoloFAIL was going to be awesome. It was an RPG through and through but not just your…

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Art Video

The well containing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim coverage hasn’t dried up yet over at GameInformer, as we’re now being treated to a four-minute video during which art director Matt Carofano shows and explains some of the art created during Skyrim’s…