Brother None

Brother None

Wasteland 2 Interview

No Mutants Allowed is the next in line to interview inXile’s Brian Fargo and Obsidian’s Chris Avellone about their collaboration on Wasteland 2. There’s not a whole lot of new material in the interview, except for this tidbit: Are you…

Analyzing the Plot of Mass Effect 3

Independent game developer Gareth Fouche offers an extensive writeup on his own website analyzing the plot of Mass Effect 3, and he doesn’t sound very pleased with it. Spoiler and swearword warnings apply. But, within 30 minutes of gameplay it is…

ESRB Removes Red From Risen 2: Dark Waters Cover

The Entertainment Software Ratings Board has stepped in on Piranha Bytes and Deep Silver’s Risen 2: Dark Waters cover artwork, noting that it contains too much red which can be interpreted as being an excess of blood, Game Informer reports. The…

Wasteland 2 Interview

The guys over at Ripten have an expansive and very interesting interview with inXile CEO Brian Fargo, with the topic of conversation being that of Wasteland 2 and “abysmal” publisher treatment.  A taste: MF: There have been a lot of…

Brian Fargo on Wasteland 2 Social Features

The mention of adding “social” features to Wasteland 2 at the $2 million funding mark was generally not very well-received, and that’s prompted inXile’s Brian Fargo to talk about the reception in a new developer blog update.  A taste: And…

Wasteland 2 Interview

No Mutants Allowed offers a very short Wasteland 2 Q&A with inXile Entertainment’s Brian Fargo, asking about DLC, multiplayer, and quest compasses.  One of three questions asked: Will the game contain a quest compass? We have no plans for a quest…