Brother None

Brother None

Dragon Age II Felicia Day Page

A “Game Info: Felicia Day” page has been added to the Dragon Age II website the detail the upcoming Dragon Age: Redemption webseries. It doesn’t seem to contain anything new, though. Look for the world premiere of Dragon Age: Redemption…

The Very Important List of PC Games, Parts 1 and 2

Rock, Paper, Shotgun’s crew has been putting together a list of the “greatest, most important PC games of all time”, rating their importanceness and doing short writeups. Included in part one are System Shock (importanceness: Quite High), Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines…

The Art of Video Games

The Smitshonian American Art Museum is setting up an exhibit for video game art/history, wisely constructed over five eras so it won’t be crowded out by just recent games. Consumers even get to vote. It puts RPGs under the “adventure genre”…

Steam Owns Over Half the PC Download Market

That Steam is a success will come as a surprise to no one, but a new Forbes report highlights just how big of a success Valve’s service is. Steam controls half to 70% of the $4 billion market for downloaded PC…

Most Anticipated Indie Games of 2011

Writing the indie section for our 2010 Game of the Year awards got Jay Barnson to thinking, and he realized that 2011 is looking like a really strong year for indie RPGs, with Age of Decadence, Avadon: The Black Fortress, Din’s…

Champions Online Interview

Massively interviews Champions Online systems designer Chris Matz on F2P changes, PvP and the future of Champions Online. So, there were a lot of changes in the F2P launch, more than anyone so far has really had time to test.…