Brother None

Brother None

Champions Online F2P Switch a Success

Looking at recent Atari financials, Eurogamer comes to the conclusion that the company is being propped up by its subsidiary Cryptic Studios, whose switch to a free-to-play model for Champions Online to be really paying off. MMO maker Cryptic Studios has once again…

Dragon Age II Recurring Characters Preview

IGN takes a look at the characters we already know to be coming back from Dragon Age: Origins as well as Awakenings. Spoiler warnings apply. Flemeth The bad-ass witch of the wilds greets you in the first fifteen minutes of…

The Very Important List of PC Games, Part 3

The third part of the Very Important List of PC Games series on Rock, Paper, Shotgun opens up with Far Cry 2, at which point it already risks losing me. But it goes on to discuss System Shock 2 (Importanceness: Moderate),…

Salem Interview

IGN found itself fascinated by the element of permanent death in the upcoming free-to-play MMO Salem, and they talk with lead developer Björn Johannessen about it, in an article-format interview. If you do die, that may not be the end of…

Gordon Walton Leaves BioWare Austin

Gamasutra is reporting that studio VP and co-general manager Gordon Walton has left BioWare Austin, though that certainly doesn’t mean that work on Star Wars: the Old Republic will be coming to a halt anytime soon. Still, it’s a bit…

Darkspore Developer Blog: Enemies

A new Maxis developer blog penned by Michael Arsers heads to the surface of the planet and highlights three of the first creatures you’re likely to meet in Nocturna. The Carrion Shambler is a particularly nasty inhabitant of Nocturna. He’s…

Creation & Gamebryo Engine Comparison

To answer the question “What the Creation Engine REALLY means for Skyrim”, Raiding Party places the high-res screenshots we have of Skyrim next to similar screenshots from Oblivion, and draws its conclusions. So we’re being crude, but just look at the…

ArenaNet QA Dev Blog Update

QA member Jerramen O’Donnell has penned a piece on the QA department of Guild Wars/Guild Wars 2 creator ArenaNet. It’s an interesting look at the inner workings of the studio even if a bit self-congratulatory. To build incredible online worlds,…