Brother None

Brother None

Blizzard Hiring More Diablo III Console Staff

There’s really nothing new here as we’ve seen these hirings before, but one could further speculate that a console port of Diablo III is solidifying as a project based on renewed job offerings for a lead designer and senior producer…

Diablo III Male Demon Hunter Detailed

The female version of Diablo III’s Demon Hunter class was announced at BlizzCon 2010, and now we finally see the unveiling of the male version. Blizzard has given DiabloFans the scoop on the unveiling, including an interview with art director Christian…

The Very Important List of PC Games, Part 4

The fourth part of Rock Paper Shotgun’s The Very Important List of PC Games (to be read as “games we like”) is absolutely stocked top to bottom with RPGs and MMORPGs. There’s BioShock (Importanceness: Beyond that of the sea), Deus…

Dragon Age Redemption Trailer

BioWare has released a half-minute teaser trailer for the upcoming Dragon Age Redemption webseries that will star The Guild’s Felicia Day. Check it out for some pointy-eared evasion and the kind of special effects you’d expect from a webseries:

Dragon Age II Demo Gameplay Video

Someone managed to get their hands on the Dragon Age II demo early, and has put the first fifteen minutes or so of gameplay on YouTube in two separate parts. Have at ’em:

Dragon Age II Video Interview

G4TV has a video interview with Lead Designer Mike Laidlaw and Gameplay Producer Dan Lazin discussing the main character Hawke, the amping up of the archer specialization and craftable weapons.

The Technology of Dragon Age II, Part One

Hard not to get overwhelmed by the amount of Dragon Age II coverage hovering around, but this one is worth highlighting, as the BioWare blog takes a screenshot-laden look at upgrades to tech/graphics, in lighting, outdoor environment, characters. Interesting terrain variation,…

Diablo III 2005 Screenshots

Kotaku and German site PC Games both have a dozen screenshots from the 2005 build of Diablo III. It looks quite different, if for no other reason than being set in heaven instead of hell. More than a dozen screen…