Brother None

Brother None

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Preview

Ace Gamez appears to be the very first to publish its preview based on the recent showing of Deus Ex: Human Revolution that our own Buck also attended. Spread across five cities including the aforementioned Detroit, Shanghai and Montreal (home…

Mass Effect 2 Action Figures Delayed

The Mass Effect 2 action figure series has suffered another delay, now to April 2011, and in a post made on their forums a BioWare store spokesman blames the manufacturer. The post seems to be gone now but Bleeding Cool has…

Dragon Age II German Review Tidbits

A user on the BioWare forums translated review notes from two recent German magazine reviews of BioWare’s upcoming Dragon Age II. PC Games gave it 88, pros and cons: + very well told hero story + varied followers, each with…

Dragon Age II Demo FAQ

BioWare’s Chris Priestly answers some frequently asked questions on the nearby Dragon Age II demo over on the BioWare forums. Can we play Male and Female Hawke? Yes you can choose male or female Hawke. How long is the demo?…

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Preview

GameSpot has had a hands-on session with the Witcher 2 along with several other sites/magazines, and has published its preview. The author feels combat is edging towards “a little simple”, but was impressed by the intricacy of the plot of…

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Magazine Preview Tidbits

The French Official PlayStation Magazine is amongst the ranks of those who got an early look at The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Tidbits can be found online, as per usual. – ‘Magnetism’ is used to prevent friendly fire in combat, by…

Diablo III Team Loves Torchlight and Borderlands

I’m not sure if the interviewer was expecting them to go “no we hate it”, but art director Christian Lichner confides in Eurogamer that the teams loved Diablo-likes/clones Borderlands and Torchlight. “We play those and we generally love them,” said…

Rift: Planes of Telara Interview asked for questions from its community, and now asks said questions of executive producer Scott Hartsman. Plonker asks: (Elemental invasions from the opening of rifts is a huge part of the game; to the extent the title of…