Brother None

Brother None

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Trailer

As promised by the teaser trailer yesterday, Bethesda has put the first gameplay footage of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim online. It’s up on the newly redesigned official website, though it’s seriously overloaded, so I recommend checking out our direct…

No Respec in Dungeon Siege III

Silicon Era notes Obsidian’s upcoming hack ‘n slash Dungeon Siege III will not let players respec (reassign points to different attributes at a later stage). This is a fairly standard feature in hack ‘n slash games, so they fairly ask…

The Elder Scrolls Freeroaming Editorial

Kotaku’s Luke Plunkett editorializes on how his best moments in Oblivion were in free roaming around without any quests, and expresses hope Skyrim will do the same. It’s tough to put a number on it, but of the 300+ hours I’ve…

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Previews

Four more the Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings previews have hit the web, all based on hands-on time with CD Projekt Red’s upcoming RPG sequel. Eurogamer. If you can resist the urge to become a jack-of-all-trades at the character development…

Dark Souls Interview

1up has a short Q&A sessions with director Hitaka Miyazaki, discussing the upcoming action RPG sequel Dark Souls, with many comparisons to its predecessor. 1UP: Just how big do you expect the map to be? HM: For simplicity of explanation, as…

Guild Wars 2 Norn Week, Day 3

We reach the third day of the Norn week for the upcoming MMORPG Guild Wars 2, in which ArenaNet profiles the giant race. Day 3 is about event design. Getting through the 3-4 pass usually takes a few tries. As I…

Dungeon Siege III Previews

Four more Dungeon Siege III previews have popped up online from various websites invited to the Obsidian press event.  Joystiq. Each character has three stances, two offensive stances and one defensive stance, which you can switch between at any moment.…

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Previews

The lucky few who were able to go hands-on with The Witcher 2 are continuing to share their impressions. Joystiq focuses on choice & consequence, or cause & effect as they call it. Dandelion was eventually captured by the succubus, and…