Brother None

Brother None

Din’s Curse Interview

Indie Game News interviews Steven Peeler on being an indie game developer in general, but specifically on Din’s Curse and its expansion Demon War. 6/ Is there anything that makes Din’s Curse stand out as different among the many RPGs…

Star Wars: The Old Republic Advanced Classes Update

Principal Lead Combat Designer (principal lead?) Georg Zoeller has penned a new update for the advanced classes of Star Wars: The Old Republic, as they’ve seen several changes due to testing. Hello there, I’m Georg Zoeller, and I’m Principal Lead…

Din’s Curse: Demon War Review

We have a new review for you from, covering Din’s Curse and its Demon War expansion. No score is given but the reviewer calls it a “very entertaining and enjoyable game”. If performing feats of greatness all by yourself…

Mass Effect 3 Game Informer Cover Revealed

The May issue of Game Informer features Mass Effect 3 on its cover, promising a 12-page feature on the upcoming title with exclusive new information and screenshots. The cover, back and front, shows Shepard looking sternly (or mildly annoyed?) at the…

Frayed Knights Development Update

Indie developer Jay Barnson offers a new update on his upcoming humorous RPG, Frayed Knights: The Skull of S’makh-Daon, discussing the endurance stat. The Frayed Knights endurance system including easily recoverable fatigue and the more challenging exhaustion that lowers your…

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Interview

NowGamers offers comments from game director Jean-Francois Dugas on the multiple endings that will be presented to us in Deus Ex: Human Revolution and, potentially, its DLC. “There is more than one ending,” Dugas confirmed to NowGamer. “They’re influenced by…

Are Games Becoming More Passive

Gareth Fouche, developer of indie RPG Scars of War, is starting to get a bit nervous about the direction of mainstream videogame releases, particularly the hype and the passive entertainment value. Which leads nicely into the second thing that is…

Rift Reviews

Rift has been running for over a month now, garnering positive reviews throughout. If you’re considering jumping into the MMORPG at this point, we have a few more reviews to help you out. Gaming Age, B+. The other big feature…

Making World of Warcraft Fun Again

IGN offers an editorial in which they think of ways to make World of Warcraft fun again if you’re growing bored with it, specifically by revisiting old raid instances. Blackwing Lair can be tough as nails and because of some…