Brother None

Brother None

Might & Magic Heroes VI Delayed

It’s been only a month since we received the original June release date, but now we learn via the same forum manager that Might & Magic: Heroes VI has suffered a nearly three-month delay. As some of you are already aware…

Dungeon Siege III Interviews

It looks like there are a few more interviews available for Obsidian’s upcoming hack ‘n slash sequel Dungeon Siege III. F irst, Australian Gamer offers a six-minute video interview with associate producer Nathan Davis, mostly covering the basics of the game:…

Dungeon Siege III Odo’s Journal, Entries 2-4

Since we last posted on Odo’s Journal, it had one entry, so we’ve got a bit of catching up to do, as Dungeon Siege III’s narrator’s journal has been updated thrice since. Entry 2, Entry 3, Entry 4. According to Marten…

Mass Effect 3 Magazine Preview Tidbits

Spanish magazine Marca Player has previewed BioWare’s upcoming Mass Effect 3. Spanish fansite Universo Mass Effect sums up a lot of the new material in the preview. Google Translate. This time the enemies pose a greater challenge than ever. AI…

Bethesda Softworks Inside the Vault Q&A: Rick Vicens

The latest in the Bethesda Blog’s series of developer Q&As is a candid talk with character animator Rick Vicens, who we learn played a significant role on the impressive The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim trailer. What’s your favorite memory/proudest achievement…

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Commentary Round-up

These details can all be gleaned from the recent deluge of TES V: Skyrim previews, but it’s worthwhile to highlight several of the more important tidbits out there. MTV Multiplayer provides a good overview of the upcoming RPG’s character system. Despite…

Mass Effect 3 Screenshots

GameInformer subscribers will have seen these before, but now the magazine has made a pair of exclusive screenshots from Mass Effect 3 publicly available. Both show Commander Shepard facing Cerberus forces on the Salarian homeworld, Sur’Kesh.

Avadon: The Black Fortress Review

Inside Mac Games reviews Avadon: The Black Fortress – only the second review of the title we’ve seen – and like the first, it is pretty positive about Spiderweb’s new IP, giving the game an 8.25 Speaking of skills, Avadon…

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Character Creation Guide

We’ve seen most of these details in the recent deluge of TES V: Skyrim previews, but MTV Multiplayer provides a good overview of the upcoming RPG’s character system. Despite the same terminology, perks work differently than they do in “Fallout 3”…

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes Reviews

We have a couple more reviews for the “HD” XBLA/PSN port of Capybara’s Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes, this round made up of very positive responses. Capsule Computers, 9. Up to that point it sounds pretty simple. Nonetheless, there…