Brother None

Brother None

Deus Ex: Human Revolutions Previews

A new round of Deus Ex: Human Revolution previews have hit the Internet. The previews are apparently based on a hands-off demo showcasing a FEMA facility Adam Jensen is infiltrating about 6-10 hours into the game. GameFront. Through most of…

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Has Gone Gold

With the May 17th release date only a few weeks out now, Namco Bandai sent out a press release this morning announcing that The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings has officailly gone gold. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Has…

Streamlining The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s Stats

Wired Controller offers an editorial in which it defends the design decisions taken by Bethesda to cut out a number of stats from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. But what about character customization? Surely with fewer attributes it will be hard…

Should We Be Worried About Mass Effect 3?

Noting that the series has set a “stupendously high standard” for itself, Raiding Party editorializes on whether or not Dragon Age II should be a cause of concern for Mass Effect fans. ‘˜Streamlining’ is the word of the moment in…

What Went Wrong with Rift’s River of Souls Event

Rift’s first major live world event took place over the past two weeks, entitled River of Souls. Entitling it a “disaster” and noting devs have been offering apologies for their mistakes, PC Gamer editorializes on what went wrong and how to…

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Interview

GameZone offers an interview with producer Raphael van Lierop on Relic’s upcoming Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. It’s one of the rare looks at the game where RPG elements are even mentioned, albeit as “RPG-lite”. GZ: Relic’s very RTS-heavy, and The Outfit…

Rift Reviews

Trion Worlds’ Rift MMO has been running for quite some time now, and throughout the past month several websites have put up their opinions on the title. NowGamer, 8.8. First and foremost these rifts are a gold-mine in loot –…