Brother None

Brother None

Colin McComb on Planescape: Torment

With the writing stages of Wasteland 2 wrapped up, Colin McComb muses “what’s next” and looks back on his career, highlighting his work on Planescape: Torment. But that’s not really the point of this post. The point is that of all…

Project Eternity Interview

Youtube personality Total Biscuit offers an audio interview with project director Adam Brennecke about their crowdfunded cRPG Project Eternity. It’s a half hour interview about crowdfunding and the project, from the basics, their goals, why this type of cRPGs fell…

Pathfinder Online Kickstarter Launched

Readers may recall us posting about the Pathfinder Online tech demo Kickstarter half a year ago, which ended up raising six times its original goal. The intent of that Kickstarter was to create a tech demo to pitch to publishers and…

Antharion Kickstarter Fails, to Relaunch November 30th

The Kickstarter for the old-school, party-based, turn-based cRPG Antharion has failed in a heartbreaking manner, falling just short with $13,810 raised out of a $15,000 goal. The good news is they’ve already announced they will try again, and with the experience…