Brother None

Brother None

Mythology and Bosses of Mytheon Revealed

 True Games Interactive sent us a press release detailing some of the story and challenges you’ll face in their upcoming MMORPG Mytheon. THE MYTHOLOGIES AND BOSSES OF MYTHEON REVEALED Players Will Embark On A Heroic Mythological Journey And Face Battle…

Din’s Curse Preview

Vault Dweller previews Soldak’s upcoming indie hack ‘n slash Din’s Curse over on the Iron Tower Studios forum, coming to the conclusion that the adds some much-need twists to the genre.  Killing monsters and taking care of the town’s problems…

Other People’s Stories

MSN/IGN’s Game On blog editorializes on the difficulties adapting novels into games, highlighting The Witcher, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame, and Dante’s Inferno. “The influence of the books cannot be overestimated. Geralt of Rivia was created almost 25 years…

Fallout: New Vegas Screenshots

The Fallout: New Vegas press pack used in the various magazine previews we’ve seen lately has been leaked earlier than intended, as Duck and Cover has all of the screenshots in their full high resolution glory.

Diablo Sequels in Development

Another tidbit from the same Activision-Blizzard SEC filing, but we’ll keep ’em separate for interest’s sake: an interesting turn of phrase reveals Diablo has more than one sequel coming up, though what exactly this entails is unclear. Our Blizzard business…

Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes Released

It almost slipped everyone by, but Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes – the indie strategy RPG from Gothic lead programmer Carsten Edenfeld – has been released in German, with an English language version coming in April. See details in this thread. The…

The Dark Eye: Demonicon Preview

OXM UK has a very positively toned writeup on Silver Style’s upcoming DSA-based RPG Demonicon, excited about its multiplayer and noting the screenshots are so pretty they even doubt they’re real. Well, social salvation is on its way in the…

World of Warcraft Could Become Obsolete

After hearing several MMO makers issue challenges on WoW, it seems the starkest critics are at Activision-Blizzard itself, as per CVG’s report. ‘Future increased consumer acceptance and increases in the availability such games or other online games, or technological advances in…