Brother None

Brother None

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Previews

It’s all the same demo so these’ll start to look very familiar by now, but here’s three more previews based on the behind-closed-doors demonstration at E3. Giant Bomb. From the looks of the demo, it’s a safe bet the story-related…

The Broken Hourglass Develop Blog Update

We haven’t heard from indie RPG developer Planewalker Games since over half a year ago, but now the official website points to a developer blog from designer Jessica Greenlee. It’s been seeing steady updates for half a year or so,…

Hunted: The Demon’s Forge Previews

We haven’t exactly seen a tide of previews on InXile’s upcoming action RPG Hunted: The Demon’s Forge so far, but here’s a few more coming straight from E3. GamerNode. “Co-op at a distance” is a design philosophy the team has…

Fable III Video Interviews

Two more video interviews have arrived from E3. The Spoony Experiment interviews designer Ted Timmins, talking the basics of the game, the political angle of gameplay, kingdom management, a story twist you’re faced with once you’re the king. From the…

Fable III Previews

A few more sites got a chance to try out Fable III at E3 and share their impressions with us in shorter or longer takes. All Things Fangirl basically sums up the new stuff, and also put up some short…

Fable III Video Interview

The Koalition offers a video interview with a rather overexcited person called Sam, from Lionhead, followed by a 20-second preview on the game. They cover the basic revolution plot, the new continent, the story of the demo and more. It’s…

Fable III E3 2010 Demo

Screw Attack is the second site to put up some shaky-cam footage of some of their hands-on time with Fable III, in this instance focusing the the animations and graphics of flourishing in combat.

Fallout: New Vegas Previews

There’s still a lot of sites out there who had their time with Fallout: New Vegas, though not all of them spent it equally usefully. For instance, I can’t help but feel Gamer Tell did not spend its time well.…

Has Obsidian Lost Its Luster?

This is the question Koku Gamer asks in an editorial. It’s fairly short, and doesn’t dig deep into the question, and the luster lost seems to be the one from the BIS days, not from anything Obsidian produced. If I…