Brother None

Brother None

Dragon Age: Origins Witch Hunt DLC Reviews

A fix is incoming for the final set of Dragon Age: Origins DLC, but is it worth your money? Reviewers seem to reach a pretty clean consensus that “no, no it isn’t.” SpawnKill 1 At this point you might be expecting me to start…

Dragon Age: Origins Witch Hunt DLC Fix Incoming

Dragon Age: Origin’s new Witch Hunt DLC is showing a bit of bugginess for some people, specifically in not properly recognizing the endgame choice you made in the “Dark Ritual”. BioWare recognizes the problem and promises a fix. Thank you to everyone who…

Dragon Age II Previews

A handful of sites got the chance to sit down for a hands-on session with Dragon Age II, with a bit of attention paid to the female Hawke revealed at PAX. FileFront. So, wow, the graphics. It’s such a huge…

DC Universe Online Previews

A couple of previews for Sony Online Entertainment’s upcoming DC Universe Online have made their way to the web as the title gets closer to release. GameSpot. After poking around the city and indulging in a race, we had the…

The Lord of the Rings Online Free-to-Play Delayed in Europe

To better prepare for an expected “massive increase” in players, CodeMasters has delayed the release of the Lord of the Rings Online free-to-play relaunch in Europe, Eurogamer reports. “We are really pleased with the performance of the game and excited about…

Fallout: New Vegas Opening Cinematic Revealed

The opening narrative was leaked earlier, and now someone put the opening cinematic on Youtube. It shows the traditional song opening with a panning camera before moving into the opening events. The “one month later” and following segment has been edited…

Dragon Age: Origins Witch Hunt DLC Reviews

Dragon Age: Origins’ recently released endgame extension DLC Witch Hunt is the subject of a few reviews online, though none of them are particularly exuberant. Joystiq no score. If you’re importing your Grey Warden into Witch Hunt (the game will…

Guild Wars 2 Previews

A few more previews have come in from the Penny Arcade Expo for Guild Wars 2, both hands-off and hands-on. Destructoid goes hands-off. Your personal story quests, however, likely won’t make up the majority of your playtime. In fact, a good…