Brother None

Brother None

Dead State Forum Activity

Brian has extended the open forum Q&A for his upcoming indie RPG as this week’s Monday Design Update. Good questions keep coming in, with good answers to fit. Do allies dieing from a zombie bite become less effective at everything they…

Dragon Age II Gameplay Footage has some shouldercam footage of Dragon Age 2 from GameCity in Vienna, showing character selection, a cutscene and in-game combat. Mike Laidlaw comments. For those curious, that video was not released by us. Obviously not. Our opening gameplay trailer would…

Good Old Games Interviews

More sites sent in their questions to Good Old Games about the closure, relaunch and the site’s future goals now that they are out of beta. Joystiq interviews managing director Guillaume Rambourg, purely about the way the closure was handled. Some…

Mass Effect 3: Five Plots Worth Exploring

The Koatlition tosses up five plot thread left open by the previous Mass Effects (but mostly Mass Effect 2) that they look forward to seeing possibly resolved in Mass Effect 3. When the first cinematic trailer of Mass Effect 2…

Minerva’s Den And The Salvation of Narrative DLC

Writer James Bishop editorializes on Gamasutra on the problems of building a narrative DLC, how BioShock 2’s Minerva’s Den succeeded and how Dragon Age: Origins’ Return to Ostagar failed. It also doesn’t help that many a developer has started planning…

Text Adventures In The Age Of Decadence

Project lead Vince pens an editorial on RPGWatch taking us through the text adventure sequences that will be available in his upcoming title, Age of Decadence. Spoiler warning, obviously. Option #1 is the main entrance. You can talk to Dellar,…

Good Old Games Interview

Big Download interviews CD Projekt’s co-founder Marcin Iwinski about the Good Old Games closure hoax, its relaunch and future. Oddly enough, the reaction to the complaints about the closure hoax is still “yeah, well, you just don’t get it, guy.” First…

Dungeons Interview

GameZone offers a short and not too informative interview with Realmforge Creative Director Christian Wolfertstetter about their upcoming title, Dungeons. GameZone: Outside of the obvious name differences, what set’s Dungeons apart from Dungeon Keeper? Christian Wolfertstetter: In Dungeon we’re focusing…

Content, Not Visuals, Make a New Game

PC Gamer’s Dan Stapleton has a short editorial on the “looks like a mod” complaint for sequels that keep significant assets from the original, using Fallout: New Vegas to Fallout 3, Fallout 2 to Fallout, and Knights of the Old…

Fallout: New Vegas Preview

PC Gamer offers a hands-on preview of Obisidian’s upcoming Fallout: New Vegas, comparing the feeling of survival and progress in New Vegas to Fallout 3. Chomp warned me the road ahead was very dangerous. A plan forms. I love sledgehammers,…