Brother None

Brother None

Fallout: New Vegas Reviews

Fallout: New Vegas is a big game and reviews keep streaming in as reviewers finally wrestle through enough of it to feel they can formulate an opinion (65 hours in I don’t feel completely ready to write a review). No…

J.E. Sawyer Social Interview, Continued

Project lead J.E. Sawyer is fully utilizing social interviewing website Formspring to answer remaining questions about Fallout: New Vegas, including a series of answers on who wrote what in New Vegas: Eric Fenstermaker did Vault 11, John Gonzalez did Yes Man,…

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Interview

With four months left in development, AtomicGamer interviews Deus Ex: Human Revolution lead designer Jean-Francois Dugas, though they admit the interviewed kept his cards closer to his chest than they would’ve liked. AG: Some hardcore Deus Ex fans have already…

Mass Effect 1 & 2 EA Store Sale

The EA Store is having a Halloween Sale, and amongst the titles on offer are the Mass Effects, that is Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 in either normal or digital deluxe edition. Both titles are being offered for less…

Fallout: New Vegas Performance Test Videos

If you’re curious about New Vegas’ cross-platform performance or trying to decide between different platforms, Digital Foundry offers some performance test videos: streaming performance tests, gameplay performance analysis, 360/PC face-off, 360/PS3 face-off, PS3/PC face-off.

The Lord of the Rings Online Free To Play Preview

With the European launch of Lord of the Rings Online’s free-to-play switch coming to Europe in a week, VG247 previews the title for its European launch. Nothing new obviously but a nice refresher for European consumers. The biggest addition to free-to-play,…

BioShock 2 DLCs and Patch to be Released on PC

2K Games has come back on the decision we reported on earlier to skip a PC release of Minerva’s Den and the Protector’s Trials, as well as the final gameplay patch. Elizabeth Tobey brings word they have resumed development on all…

Torchlight Anniversary Sale

It has been a year ago to the day that Torchlight has been released, and to celebrate Runic Games is offering the game 50% off for the next two days on their website. Anniversary Sale Oct 27th! October 26th, 2010…

Neverwinter Nights Now Available on Good Old Games

Continuing their streak of adding D&D-based cRPGs, the “Diamond Edition” of BioWare’s Neverwinter Nights is now available on Good Old Games for $9.99. It contains Neverwinter Nights and its three official expansion packs: Shadows of Undrentide, Hordes of the Underdark, and…