Arcanum Patch and Extra Pack Update

The Arcanum patch is steaming along nicely, with a load of fixes added to the latest version 080523. Additionally, Drog Black Tooth has started an extra pack to reimplement some cut out content, see thread and screenshots here.

-Removed unnecessary blocking tiles in the Wolf Cave, so now it’s possible to reach for the body.
-Loghaire in exile now has a correct portrait.
-Technical manuals are now readable.
-Fixed music issues in Mannox’s Hole.
-Fixed two typos in Nasrudin’s dialogue.
-Torian Kel’s Ancestral Sword doesn’t have an empty spell menu anymore.
-Nasrudin now kills K’an Hua at the Ring of Brodgar in all cases.
-Removed a broken line in Perriman Smythe’s dialogue, also fixed his response about the Void.
-Fixed wrong conditions for a response about Kerghan in dialogues of Perriman Smythe, Geoffrey Tarellond-Ashe, Raven, Magnus and Franklin Payne.
-Fixed several mistakes in the dialogue of Loghaire in the Iron Clan.
-Fixed wrong conditions in Arronax’s dialogue.
-Fixed several problems with Kerghan’s scripts. First, now he won’t be hostile to your party members when you persuade him to surrender, thus letting you finish the game with out fighting him. Second, he won’t be summoning the slaves if you’ve either joined him or persuaded him to surrender.
-Gurin Rockharrow is now properly leveled up and has master training in gambling.
-Fixed a typo in Gurin Rockharrow’s dialogue.
-One of D’ak Taan’s henchmen is now properly leveled up and has a correct description.
-Fixed Gorgoth’s dialogue. Now you get a different set of lines if you know that the enemy is Kerghan, not Arronax.
-Fixed the chicken’s soundbank. Due to typos some sounds weren’t playing.
-Restored missing special effects for the Wall of Stone, the Wall of Fire, the Wall of Force spells and the Fire Obstruction.
-Horace McGinley’s corpse now has a correct race.
-Dante no longer acts like a ranged fighter.
-Fixed a typo in Edmund Craig’s dialogue.
-Fixed descriptions for the Sword of Sickness, the Sword of Air, the Stillwater Blade, the Sword of Defense, the Filament Sword, the Reaper’s Axe and the Axe of Strength.
-Added a missing line for dummies to Caleb Malloy’s dialogue.
-Half Elf PCs now use elven art instead of human’s, just like all Half Elf NPCs.
-Fixed a typo in Jared’s dialogue.
-Fixed a mistake in the dialogue for Virgil after seeing Joachim’s telegram.
-Fixed several typos in Bunny’s dialogue.
-Fixed a line leading to a wrong response in Constable Owens’ dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in Surly Virgil’s dialogue.
-Fixed several typos in generic NPC responses.
-Fixed a dummy response, a typo and some wrong conditions in Arvid Millstone’s dialogue.
-It’s no longer possible to give Cassie’s necklace to Madam Lil more than once.
-Fixed wrong conditions for dummy responses in Madam Lil’s dialogue.
-You can no longer ask Ristezze about Schuylers as a dummy and get XP more than once.
-Herkemer Oggdoddler now properly takes 500 coins for training you in the melee skill.
-Fixed wrong conditions in Garret Almstead’s dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in the dialogue for Virgil with an agent at the Crash Site.
-Fixed a wrong description and basic proto issues with one of the bank robbers: a correct soundbank now.
-Fixed Sogg Mead Mug’s dialogue, now it’s possible to ask him questions as a dummy as well.
-Fixed wrong conditions for dummies and added a missing line for dummies in Mr. Plough’s dialogue.
-Fixed the dialogue of a half orc bandit to whom you must deliver the note from a dark elf in the Wellington Club. Now the note is properly transferred in the case of a dummy character as well.
-Fixed text formatting in Clarisse Vorak’s background text.
-Fixed a typo in the book “The Pagan Gods of Arcanum”.
-Fixed wrong female lines in Magnus’ dialogue.
-Tollo Underhill won’t appear in Dernholm Pits if you don’t have the quest.
-Fixed a typo in Edward Teach’s dialogue.
-Fixed several broken lines in Theodore’s dialogue.
-Fixed Theodore’s script, now he recognizes if one of your followers is wearing his armor.
-Fixed basic proto issues with a female Gnome Noble in Ashbury’s town hall: a correct soundbank now.
-Fixed two repeatable lines for dummies in Constable Owens’ dialogue.
-The line about work won’t appear in Gildor Nighwalk’s dialogue if you already have his quest.
-Fixed two typos in Gildor Nighwalk’s dialogue.
-Fixed descriptions for the Goggled Helmet and the Eye Gear.
-Added a description for the Charged Ring.
-Restored the original art for Daniel Hallaway’s strongbox, the map of Tarantian sewers and Tollo Underhill’s map.
-Fixed a number of broken lines for dummies in the dialogue for the guard at the Isle of Despair. Also added two missing lines.
-Fixed a typo in Maximillian’s dialogue.
-Fixed several broken lines in Laura’s dialogue.
-Fixed a typo in Brigitte’s dialogue.
-Added a missing line for dummies to William Bench’s dialogue.
-Now once you get the information about Renford A. Terwilliger from the Hall of Records clerk you can no longer ask it again.
-Fixed two repeatable lines for dummies in the librarian’s dialogue.
-Fixed wrong conditions in Pollock’s door guard’s dialogue.
-Fixed a mistake in Daniel Hallaway’s dialogue.
-Fixed wrong conditions for low reaction lines in Mrs. Cameron’s dialogue.
-Fixed several broken lines in Hadrian’s dialogue. Also added two missing lines for dummies.
-Kietzel Pierce’s quest now gets botched if you lie to him about the bow.
-Fixed a line for dummies in Nasrudin’s dialogue.
-Fixed two typos in Nasrudin’s dialogue.
-Fixed descriptions for the Hurful Bow, the Axe of Lost Time, the Blade of Malevolent Storm, the Black Stone Blade and the Star of Soul Bonding.
-City tailors now buy both Elegant Dresses and “Sunday’s Best” Dresses.
-Fixed repeatable lines for dummies in Weldo Rubin’s dialogue.
-The Nature’s Wrath Helm now has a perception penalty.
-Fixed typos in “The nature of Archaeological practices”, “Psychological Treatise on Intolerance” and Kraka-Tur’s journal.
-Fixed a typo in Thorvald’s dialogue.
-Added a line for females to Maximillian’s dialogue.
-Fixed two broken lines for dummies in Arronax’s dialogue. Also, added two missing lines for dummies.
-Fixed a typo in Arronax’s dialogue.

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