Arcanum From A Different Angle

Most of the previews I’ve seen from Troika Games’ forthcoming RPG Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura have been more on the positive side with an emphasis of hope. Eurogamer tries holding on to the hope but manages to paint a somewhat dim picture of the game in its current state in a 2 page preview. However, a majority of the dissatisfaction they found came from the graphics, and as we all know, graphics in an RPG aren’t everything (no one mentioned that to Bethesda however). As always, get as much info you can from the previews and reviews and decide for yourself. Here’s their summary of a Baldur’s Gate moment:

As well as being asked to decide between technology and magic you will also find yourself having to balance good and evil, and convenient meters on your character sheet will show you how far you have swayed in either direction on both issues. The reaction of other people towards you will vary depending on your reputation, and although it is far easier to play a “bad” character in Arcanum than in many more traditional role-playing games, you may still have to face the consequences as the game develops and people hear of your questionable exploits. Other characters in your party may get sick of your actions as well if they don’t agree with them, and at least once (when I .. ahem .. accidentally attacked a little old lady) my own companions turned on me and bludgeoned my “hero” to death even before the city guard arrived…

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