Black Mountain Mines Levels 1-2 – Arcanum

This guide will walk you through levels 1 and 2 of Black Mountain Mines in Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura.

arcanum map black mountain mines levels 1 2
Map of Black Mountain Mines Levels 1-2

1 – Ore Golem / Rock Sprite

If you attack an ore golem or a rock sprite with most melee weapons, you’ll damage the weapon. So you’re better off using ranged weapons, spells, or your bare hands to kill them.

2 – Seething Mass

Seething masses are just like ore golems, except they’ll also damage your armor if they hit you. So plan ahead and remove your armor first.

3 – Dead Thief

On his corpse you’ll find a couple scrolls and another note from “G.L.”

4 – Forge

There are three barrels in the forge. In them you’ll find Machined Gauntlets, Eye Gear, and a schematic for the Pyrotechnic Bow.


A. Exit to the world map.
B. Exit between level 1 and level 2.
C. Exit to level 3.
D. Exit to level 4.

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I love RPGs, MMOs, and weird little indie games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.

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