arcanum follower magnus


Level 8
Race: Dwarf Gender: Male
XP Next: 6000
ST: 10 CN: 10 DX: 9 BE: 8
IN: 9 WP: 8 PE: 8 CH: 7
HP: 52 Magicka: 48
Carry Weight: 5000
Damage Bonus: 0
AC Adjustment: -1
Speed: 7 Heal Rate: 3
Poison Recovery: 10
Reaction Modifier: -7
Max Followers: 1
  • Damage: 19
  • Magick: 0
  • Fire: 5
  • Poison: 30
  • Electrical: 0

Location: Tarant

Skills: Mechanical and Smithy (four schematics each)

You’ll find Magnus waiting in front of P. Schuyler & Sons. If you have a positive alignment, then he’ll offer to join you. Magnus is useful to have in your party at least a short time so he can make you balanced swords and pure ore. Magnus is also the second most interesting follower in the game (Virgil is the first), with about a half dozen places where he adds dialogue. There are also two places in the game (at P. Schuyler & Sons and at the Iron Clan) where having Magnus in your party can earn you a fate point.

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