Alpha Protocol Magazine Review

Well, folks, the very first review of Alpha Protocol is upon us, thanks to issue #127 of Playmania magazine. Unfortunately, it’s entirely in Spanish, but a quick Google search uncovers this site which features links to scans and a summary of the review’s content in English. The overall score is an 88/100, with the individual criteria broken down as such:

â—¦ Graphics -> 80 – The exteriors are not so bad but the models and their animations are far from perfect.

â—¦ Sound -> 90 – Appropriate soundtrack.

â—¦ Diversity -> 89 – Even though it’s the same game, there are many possibilities when it comes to customizing your character and deciding how to play.

â—¦ Duration -> 90 – The replayability factor is really high. You can play Alpha Protocol a lot of times without experiencing the same adventure.

â—¦ Overall -> 88 – A spy role playing game that succeeds in blending action with stealth and gives players a high degree of freedom in choosing how they want to proceed.

The Best parts of Alpha Protocol -> The freedom to choose how you want to acoplish your objectives and a great decision making system.

The Worst parts of Alpha Protocol -> Outdated graphics and basic AI.

Sounds like Obsidian might have a winner here, especially considering that their biggest gripe was over the game’s “outdated” graphics. Deep character customization, diverse choices, plenty of replayability… who cares about graphics?

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