Alpha Protocol Interview

As promised by SystemLink earlier in the week, Gamer’s Guide to Life has posted their interview with Obsidian’s Chris Avellone and Matthew Rorie about various topics related to the impending release of Alpha Protocol.

Can you give us an example of the type of outcomes a choice can have?

CA: Arresting an arms dealer in Saudi Arabia can cost you access to merchants and contacts in the region. Continual abuse of a mild-mannered asset can cause them to turn on you in surprising ways. In short, choices have plenty of immediate and long-term consequences in Alpha Protocol, and not just the people you talk to – they can open brand-new optional missions, new perks, loss of intel, gain of intel, new handlers, cause a boss character to say he has too much respect to fight you, cause another boss character to abandon his plans and pre-emptively change his tactics solely because you’ve pissed him off, and gaining new information on a seemingly shallow asset to discover that they’ve got far more depth than you thought possible… and then using that intel to turn them for or against you as an additional weapon.

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