Alpha Protocol E3 Preview

A little late to the party, is next in line with an E3-based preview of Obsidian’s Alpha Protocol.

As you become further embroiled in god knows what your agent’s skills will of course increase, and as with any good RPG you’ll be able to assign your hard-earned experience to particular skills. This promises to add yet another layer of strategy.

While as a lone operator you’ll generally be trying to maintain a low profile, things can sometimes go wrong at which point you’re going to have to be a bit more aggressive. During one segment we were shown the player was confronted by a small squad of guards, closing in rapidly. While it would be possible to take on these foes in a fire-fight, on this occasion we opted to destroy a water tower positioned precariously above the enemy position, allowing us to take out all these foes in one hugely cinematic swoop.

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