Alpha Protocol E3 Preview

The guys at CrunchGear have whipped up a short preview of Alpha Protocol, courtesy of last week’s E3 event.

Anyway, you play as Michael Thornton to help stop some international catastrophe from occurring that would doom us all according to the game’s description. Taking a quick look at my notes, I can tell you just a few things about actual gameplay since we were limited to what they wanted to show us. One of the features that I thought was unique was the real-time decision making process. For example, when you approach an individual you’re given a list of actions that you can proceed with, like killing them, talking to them, etc. The further along you are in some form of dialogue your options vary based on your previous actions and what’s being told to you. Another feature I really liked was Chain Shots, which allows you to string together multiple shots on multiple enemies before you start firing. The process slows down for a few seconds to allow you to do this.

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