Alpha Protocol Choices Will Be Reflected in Sequels

Apparently SEGA and Obsidian intend to expand the Alpha Protocol franchise into multiple titles, as producer Tim Ernst has told Destructoid that choices we make in the first game will be reflected in potential sequels.

“We have a lot of plans for where we want to take it,” producer Tim Ernst tells me during a demo during Game Developers Conference, speaking on the future of the series. “Being a new IP and everything else, we’re not going to jump out with a new one in six months. We’re going to take our time, and we also want to analyse how everyone kind of plays it through.”

Alpha Protocol is a game about choices, choices which will not only affect the game’s end, but many of the events leading up to its conclusion. It’s not the first game in this style to do this; BioWare’s popular Mass Effect comes to mind.

“We’ve been working on this game for four years,” he tells me, “so even before Mass Effect came out we were talking about these kinds of issues. I think every game is taking choices in a different direction. What we try to do is we have conversations, and depending on the choices you’re going to see your reputation change. It’s not this grand ‘good or bad’ scale; you’re going to see different reputations with each person.”

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